Audience Feedback / Reaktionen
War das toll gestern!
Großartige Darsteller. Und so flüssiges Englisch, obwohl viele doch keine
Muttersprachler waren? Und den sprachlichen "landestypischen Feinheiten": Ginny.
Und man merkte den Leuten die Spielfreude an.
Vielen Dank für den Genuss!
Herzlichst Gabi P.,
02 Feb. 2024
I went tonight and enjoyed a great night. It was an exciting play with a
chilling undertone…Plenty of humour of the grimmer sort… inspired casting,
directing, wonderful performances… A Success… Hoping audience numbers
reflect this… the first night crowd were very happy to be there…
DUET does it again… a chilling thrilling show with excellent performances
and pretty sharp direction. Great set and music too. Really worth the
drive….Hope you are going to keep up the momentum for the next couple of
Love to everyone involved..
Margot E.
1./4. 2. 2024
Congratulations once again on yet another highly successful DUET
performance. Everyone really enjoyed the play. The acting was as always
extremely good and this time special credit has to go to all those who
helped to create the complicated set, props and original music. I'm sure
the remaining performances will also be a success.
Best wishes, Alan W. 2. 2. 2024
Dear DUET family,
thank you for another great evening with DUET!
The play by Ms Padmanabhan was an incredibly good choice.
Your performance conveyed the delicate humour of the play but also made the
idea of a disturbing future come alive on stage.
A special applause for Ms Kunj Vora and her emotional and convincing acting.
Looking forward to next year,
Michael S.
03. 02. 2024
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Last updated February 15h, 2024
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