by Maurice    McLoughlin


While Sybil Walling is away on holiday, her children decide to give her bedroom a makeover. They also call in the chimney sweep whose brushes dislodge not only soot but - a body! Who is it, how long has it been there, and how on earth did it get up mother's chimney flue? And what is to be done about it now - call the police, or not? Well, the sweep also has a view on the matter... 

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Performances: February 1st - 3rd, 2023 at 7.30 pm (19:30h) AND Saturday matinee February 4th, 5:30 pm at SG 135, Geibelstr. 41, 47057 DU-Neudorf

Tickets in aid of the theatre 6 €, 3 € (reduced rate)

Last updated March 20th, 2023
























































































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