Audience Feedback / Reaktionen

A truly delightful, witty and entertaining play, great actors and all in all a beautiful performance. :)
Dana B. (on Facebook)
Have to say it again: great play guys!!! A-ma-zing!!!
Melika S, 09. 02. 2013 00:17
It was such a delight to experience DUET's production of 'Comic Potential'! Not only was the intensity of the players captivating and thought-provoking, the backstage-work on sound, lights and 'timing' of the hands-on scene changes was astounding! I congratulate the entire DUET-team on this obvious labour of love! Bravo!
Tim D. M., 08.02.2013 23:15
Glückwunsch,ihr habt toll gespielt,hab mich sehr amüsiert! Toi,toi,toi für die nächsten Aufführungen!
Sabine S. (on Facebook)
SUUUUUUPER!!! unglaublich schoenes Stueck, hohes niveau (in my humble opinion), tolle Schauspieler!!! Bitte mal ganz lieben Gleuckwunsch an alle. (Meine Tochter) war so begeistert, dass sie Euch gerne beitreten wuerde. Geht das? Sie ist ja schon fast 17 und spricht sehr gutes Englisch (da konnte ich den amerikanischen Akzent der Lehrer noch mal abwehren:) ? Weiter tolle Auffuehrungen!
Marco DM, 07.02.2013 08:12
Ihr seid super gewesen mit Eurem neuen Theaterstück, das findet übrigens auch meine Tageszeitung, die Rheinische Post... - macht weiter so!
Norbert F, 08. 02. 2013 21:57
I must admit that I didn`t like the play very much because I am a big fan of "hard" (serious and based on "real" science)- or political science-ficton and don´t care so much about comedy-SF or "robots in love". But you all did a great job with the stage version.The actress who played the android was terrific: Extremely good on a technical level (sounds almost like a pun) but her performance was also very
charming and "light-hearted". The whole performance was (also) a strong showcase of different kinds of comedy-styles like slapstick, fast screwball dialogs and also driven by extreme characters (as Shah's Chandler)or situations like the dinner scene. Every thing worked out very well and funny. I hope that you and the whole crew had as much fun as the audience. Best of luck for tonight and the other
René S., 07.02.2013 14:40
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